Global Outreaches

Hidden With Christ Ministries is an international Christian ministry which seeks to spread the love of God and the Word of God around the world through its varied ministry outreaches and projects. HWCM sponsors Pastors and Christian Leaders Conferences on the African continent, produces Bible teaching resources which are made available free on the web and in the APP stores, offers inner healing ministry to the body of Christ through Bethany Projects, and seeks to obey the admonition in James 1:27 to care for orphans through its Treasures of Africa KIDZ Project in Tanzania, and to minister to the poor through its mercy ministry in Tanzania called REHEMA Projects.

Bethany Projects, led by Marcia Vogl, has partnered with Hidden With Christ Ministries to bring a vital ministry of personal prayer ministry, teaching, and mentoring to the Body of Christ. To learn more about Bethany Projects visit or

My Everyday Bible provides a daily audio broadcast of the Bible being read by author and teacher Rita Langeland of Hidden With Christ Ministries with a devotional message at the end of each daily reading. You can listen from a computer or download the free App and listen from any mobile device.

Treasures of Africa Children's Home is an orphanage founded by Hidden With Christ Ministries in 2007 that serves AIDS orphans and abandoned children in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania, East Africa.

Wildwood is a future outreach ministry of Hidden With Christ Ministries. The plan is to have a retereat center, pray center, meeting rooms for Bible teaching conferences and a Rest and Refreshing House for minssionaries on furlough.

The Swahili word REHEMA means MERCY. These projects seek to help the poorest of the poor in Tanzania. We distribute food to the hungry and pay for medical services for those in need. There are no government programs to feed the poor or to supply medical help to the needy. We receive referrals from the local office of Social Welfare who verify the cases of need and we help as much as we are able. If you would like to be a hand of mercy for the poor – consider making a donation to Hidden with Christ Ministries – and designate it for our REHEMA PROJECTS on the dropdown menu on our website: