Praying into the Future Title

by Rita Langeland

Looking back over 24 years of ministry in the USA and Africa, we are amazed and grateful for ALL that God has done. But we have learned that the Lord loves to continue to challenge us to believe Him for more to be done in the earth to bless people and lead them to Him before He returns.

There are two MAJOR projects that the Lord has instructed us to contend for by faith. We are asking you to join your faith with ours and pray these into existence!


This will be a Secondary School in Tanzania with a Biblical worldview and a Leadership Training emphasis embedded throughout the curriculum for the purpose of raising up godly leaders for the nation. Hidden with Christ Ministries already owns the land, we have the architectural plans nearly completed and we have received the government approval to build. Having sent children to school in Tanzania for a decade and a half, we can tell you unequivocally that such a school is desperately needed. We have had Tanzanian leaders tell us they would send their children to our school the day it opens. Orphans will attend the school without cost, and we will collect school fees from other students to provide the operating expenses. Pray with us for an influx of funds to enable us to begin building.


For the past six and a half years we have been praying into this vision. Before we shared it with anyone, a pastor friend from Florida called and shared a dream he had about us starting this project. It gave us the confirmation and confidence to share it widely and ask for prayer. The vision is of a Christian Retreat/Conference center located in a beautifully wooded and rural location where believers could step away from the busyness of life to pray and receive Biblical teaching and ministry. The components would include a prayer center, a conference center, a place for missionaries to rest on furlough when they come off the mission field and a center for Inner Healing ministry. Though we have not received a “word from the Lord” about the geographic location, we recently were introduced to a property for sale in the eastern part of the state of Washington. It has 900 acres, 2 large lakes, and many excellent buildings which would allow us to begin the ministry immediately without having to build. It also has off-the-grid capability and five wells for an independent water supply. Pray with us as we seek confirmation as to whether this is the property where God wants HWCM to develop Wildwood.

We will not go into debt for either of these projects but instead
we will trust God to provide the funds every step of the way.

Will You Pray?